Friday, August 19, 2011

Sharing can be scary.

Hi Everyone and Anyone, 

I have decided that its time to be held accountable!  I have just signed on as an independent coach for Team Beachbody so that I can have support and understanding on my journey of getting healthier.  I have a track record of sporadic working out and giving up too soon, well no more!

I would also like to mention that I recently discovered that I have a gluten and dairy allergy.  For years I complained of random symptoms that doctors never really took seriously. As the years went by there were new symptoms and I was feeling worse all the time. I finally found a doctor who really listened to me, I am so grateful to him!  I had no choice in drastically changing my diet, and believe me when I say it was very difficult.  It can still be difficult and I am learning all the time, but the payoff of eating this way is so worth it! I will share much more in future blogs  on this topic and I will share lots of yummy, healthy recipes.  

With the combination of changing my diet, aging, family members with several health risks due to weight I feel compelled to challenge myself in getting fit and eating right. Now this doesn't mean I won't have that occasional treat of coconut ice cream or gluten/dairy free brownies. After all, why work so hard if we can't occasionally reward ourselves, but occasional is the key word.  

After seeing several friends using the Team Beachbody products (Shakeology, P90X, Insanity, and many more) and have amazing results I thought well, why not?  So I have recently ordered Slim in 6 and signed on to be a coach.  I love helping people, and this allows me to share my experience and go through it with anyone who would like to join me.  Also, changing my diet was quite the battle so I would love to give any advice I can to make it easier for others with these allergies. 

 I am ready to share my life to help myself and others.

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