Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Gluten and Dairy free way of life

1 in 133 people have Celiac Disease(celiac.org).  Most people are unaware of what Celiac Disease or of what a gluten allergy is unless they personally know of someone that has been diagnosed with it.  Basically the small intestines do not work correctly, the disease damages the small intestine lining and does not allow the important, healthy parts of food to be absorbed. The damage happens from a reaction in the body to eating gluten. 

The symptoms can vary, and is very broad ranged.  There can be up to 300 different symptoms making Celiac Disease difficult to diagnose.  Sometimes a person will have mild symptoms until so much damage has been done and the symptoms drastically become worse or a tragic event occurs to the body, such as, a surgery, accident, or miscarriage.  

Celiac Disease is genetic. You should be tested if there is anyone in your family history that has been diagnosed, even if you are asymptomatic.  It is very important that if you have Celiac disease you immediately change your diet and stop eating gluten.  If you continue eating gluten your small intestines can permanently be damaged and may have to have a portion of the intestine surgically removed.  Also, if you have Celiac Disease you are 5 times more likely to have another autoimmune disease, such as, type 1 Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis and Fibromyalgia to name a few. 

Yeah so, what's gluten?  Well, most people think its just wheat, actually it's a substance found in many foods that is responsible for the elastic texture. It's everywhere!! The obvious places are wheat, barley, rye, and most oats due to cross contamination.  To avoid gluten it is a must to learn all possible ingredient names in can be hidden in.  It's essential to read all product labels!  Gluten can even be in pharmaceutical products and most times the pharmacists are not aware of which prescriptions may or may not contain gluten. If a product is not labeled GF (and even if it is still read the ingredients to be safe) you can always call the 1-800 number listed on its package.  I even have to call about my coffee, last time I called Folgers I was told that it may not be safe due to cross-contamination because they also manufacture other gluten containing products on their equipment.  Gluten is often used as a preservative for meats, canned goods, frozen foods, and shelf stable foods (even spices).  

What if other members in your household do not have to be gluten free?  Well, I am lucky and my husband has been extremely supportive of my needs and the changes we have had to make.  He even read a book of another woman going gluten free and  how cross-contamination can be dangerous.  We have separate toasters, separate cabinets, and the few refrigerated items that contain gluten go in the bottom shelf or drawer.  We put every dish through the dishwasher to be sterilized, we wash our hands after touching anything possibly containing gluten, and all the surfaces in the kitchen are Lysoled several times a day. Sounds a bit neurotic, huh?  Its just the way our life has to be now, one little crumb can potentially make a Celiac sick (some are more sensitive than others). I do not make separate dinners. Many people hear gluten free and think it means no flavor, but that is just because so many people are uneducated on gluten.  I think most people that have eaten my meals will tell you how yummy they were (at least I hope so, if not they are good liars, ha ha). Sure, I had to make some adjustments, I had to learn of new ingredients and how to use them, but being healthy is worth the hassle.

I will say it can be very difficult at times. I get frustrated when I am at a store and cannot find the products I need or I cannot order my favorite dish at my favorite restaurant anymore. I can no longer eat at fast food chains ( a blessing in disguise really), I will not get to enjoy my Gramma's amazing Thanksgiving stuffing, nor will I be able to go to a dinner party (unless the host is also gluten and dairy free).  Along with having to avoid gluten I also have a dairy allergy, but consider myself lucky to not also have a corn allergy like some others, I love corn tortillas and they are a staple in my diet especially when I first learned of my food allergies.  There are restaurants that attempt to cater to these allergies, but the menu is very limited and when eating out you are always taking a risk. I highly recommend if you find one be very kind to the wait staff and tip well so they will continue to fulfill your needs.  

I will admit to occasional emotional breakdowns, but I do not cheat on the way I have to eat now.  Really, I would rather eat my flavorful tacos than go to Taco Bell anyway.  I do want to share what it was like when I first started this lifestyle in case any of you that read this are just starting or maybe you know someone trying to make the same changes. 

homemade fish tacos topped with fresh made mango cole slaw.  corn and black bean and lime quinoa salad as a side

      The day the doctor told me  I was a bit in shock. I was thankful that I finally knew what was making me feel so awful, but overwhelmed at having to change my life and habits. And I cried, and I got mad, and I got depressed...all the stages of grief including  acceptance.  After a couple of weeks of not knowing what I was supposed to do or eat, besides salads, the acceptance started. It was  time to do all the research, to relearn how to cook, to understand ingredient labels, and to be optimistic about the process of it all.  I am telling you, it is so worth it. I feel so much better.  Like I said, I have mini breakdown's occasionally...when I think about the traditional family holiday meals, the cost of gluten free and organic foods, or being at a restaurant and not being able to order what I want, then watching those I dine with eat lasagna and then  dessert (thats when you order a nice glass of wine!). And its okay to grieve every once in awhile, but then remember it's not worth getting sick over. Go home and cook your own fabulous dinner and dessert!  I know that my husband or whomever I might be dining with is not trying to rub it in my face they are just enjoying what they can and they should.  Even though they try to understand they cannot truly until they are in your shoes, but if they care about you than hopefully they will be understanding of your moments of madness when you cannot have what you want.  I am very thankful to my husband, friends, and family for caring enough to accept my new ways.  Buying gluten free and organic foods can be very costly. I sit each week making a detailed menu plan including snacks and foods that can go a long way, like quinoa (love it).  I will never forget when my husband and I went to a small grocery store in Chicago that caters to gluten free foods for the first time.  A  bag of gluten free pretzels alone were $10 and our bill was about $80 for a very minimal amount of items and I cried some more.  We were walking home and he said "Sundee, do NOT be upset or worry about the cost of the food you need, your health is much more important than the grocery bill."  Just what I needed to hear.
My husband, David, and I

I am learning all the time still, looking for new products and recipes.  Eating healthy has kick started my want for having a healthy body and getting in shape is my new goal. I think signing on with Team Beachbody is a step in the right direction. One thing I have learned from my food allergies is that support is essential! Surround yourself in all aspects of your life with supportive, positive people.  There are always other people out there going through similar issues that can help you.  

I just want to add that I love how my dog, Shinobi's food has the GF label too. He has food allergies as well, we are quite the pair:)

Please feel free to contact me if you need any help or just want to share your experiences! 

"The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can."
-Robert Cushing

- information from celiac.org and celiacdisease.net
          I found some of the information I shared on these sites and use them regularly to find news on Celiac Disease and eating and living gluten free.  If you or a loved one may have Celiac disease and live in or near the Chicago area on October 15, 2011 they will be doing their annual free blood testing for Celiac Disease. Call 773-702-7593 to register for an appointment, they do not accept walk-ins.  Call ASAP to get a spot!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Sharing can be scary.

Hi Everyone and Anyone, 

I have decided that its time to be held accountable!  I have just signed on as an independent coach for Team Beachbody so that I can have support and understanding on my journey of getting healthier.  I have a track record of sporadic working out and giving up too soon, well no more!

I would also like to mention that I recently discovered that I have a gluten and dairy allergy.  For years I complained of random symptoms that doctors never really took seriously. As the years went by there were new symptoms and I was feeling worse all the time. I finally found a doctor who really listened to me, I am so grateful to him!  I had no choice in drastically changing my diet, and believe me when I say it was very difficult.  It can still be difficult and I am learning all the time, but the payoff of eating this way is so worth it! I will share much more in future blogs  on this topic and I will share lots of yummy, healthy recipes.  

With the combination of changing my diet, aging, family members with several health risks due to weight I feel compelled to challenge myself in getting fit and eating right. Now this doesn't mean I won't have that occasional treat of coconut ice cream or gluten/dairy free brownies. After all, why work so hard if we can't occasionally reward ourselves, but occasional is the key word.  

After seeing several friends using the Team Beachbody products (Shakeology, P90X, Insanity, and many more) and have amazing results I thought well, why not?  So I have recently ordered Slim in 6 and signed on to be a coach.  I love helping people, and this allows me to share my experience and go through it with anyone who would like to join me.  Also, changing my diet was quite the battle so I would love to give any advice I can to make it easier for others with these allergies. 

 I am ready to share my life to help myself and others.